Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the lady at the bakery

There's this print that the bakery opposite my work collects, I love it !! It's so pretty, I can't help but to take pics of it each time I'm there :)

There's one Trechikoff :)

who moved my chair ?!?

I found myself a little bored Sunday...mmm what to do when it's cold & wet outside ?!!? So sipping on my newly found cuppa-awesomeness ( I received an espresso makers for Christmas and finally figured out how to use it) it struck me !! Make a move Meryke !!! So I did. I got up and moved my house. This is what it looks like now :)

All my books :)

Oh and I found a sandwich shop too !!! Makes the best sarmies in the world !!!

Me being silly, saying hi to my special bf in Singapore :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

this lil'moose dog made my night !! thanks karate kid !! it's the best version of my lil'puppies i've seen, i love the red flower you've added --- cute !! this is my kind of fridge art :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

me,dassie & wolves

had a really really cool time at wolves last nigt :) ate the best red happy cupcakes,did a lil'dancing and walked around illovu for a bit ---- so much fun in jozi !! had a lil'dassie follow me the whole way :) too much of cute.

Monday, July 5, 2010

monday monday

Went to fordsburg on saterday afternoon and found this on a wall outside the indian restaurant. it's funny how you go about your days thinking things are fine and you're good without people in your life. Well until you have that particular day where you wish you could have one normal conversation with a brother you haven't seen in months.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

nearly had a heart attack...

let's just say i had the worst scare of my life, i need to get my shit together.