Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the lady at the bakery

There's this print that the bakery opposite my work collects, I love it !! It's so pretty, I can't help but to take pics of it each time I'm there :)

There's one Trechikoff :)

who moved my chair ?!?

I found myself a little bored Sunday...mmm what to do when it's cold & wet outside ?!!? So sipping on my newly found cuppa-awesomeness ( I received an espresso makers for Christmas and finally figured out how to use it) it struck me !! Make a move Meryke !!! So I did. I got up and moved my house. This is what it looks like now :)

All my books :)

Oh and I found a sandwich shop too !!! Makes the best sarmies in the world !!!

Me being silly, saying hi to my special bf in Singapore :)